Longman Communication 3000 table

        The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words contained in the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and study in order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing.

Word POS1 POS2 POS3 Spoken English Written English
a indefinite article determiner S1 W1
abandon v W3
ability n S2 W1
able adj S1 W1
about prep S1 W1
about adv S1 W1
above adv prep S2 W1
above adj W3
abroad adv S2 W3
absence n S3 W2
absolute adj S2 W3
absolutely adv S1 W3
absorb v W3
abuse n S2 W3
academic adj W2
accept v S1 W1
acceptable adj S3 W3
access n S2 W1
accident n S2 W2
accommodation n S2 W2
accompany v W2
according to prep S2 W1
account n S1 W1
account v S3 W2
accurate adj S2 W3
accuse v W3
achieve v S2 W1
achievement n S3 W2
acid n W3
acknowledge v S3 W3
acquire v W2
across adv prep S1 W1
act n S1 W1
act v S2 W1
action n S1 W1
active adj S2 W2
activist n S3
activity n S2 W1
actor n W3
actual adj S1 W2
actually adv S1 W1
ad n S3 W3
adapt v W3
add v S1 W1
addition n S3 W1
additional adj S3 W2
address n S2 W2
address v S2 W2
adequate adj S3 W3
adjust v W3
administration n S2 W2
administrative adj W3
admire v S3
admission n W3
admit v S2 W1
adopt v S3 W2
adult n S2 W2
adult adj W3
advance n S2 W2
advance v W3
advanced adj W3
advantage n S2 W1
advert n S3
advertise v S3 W3
advertisement n S3
advertising n W3
advice n S2 W2
advise v S2 W2
adviser n S3 W3
affair n S2 W1
affect v S2 W1
afford v S1 W3
afraid adj S1 W2
after prep conj adv S1 W1
afternoon n S1 W2
afterwards adv S2 W3
again adv S1 W1
against prep S1 W1
age n S1 W1
aged adj W3
agency n S3 W1
agent n S3 W2
aggressive adj S3
ago adv S1 W1
agree v S1 W1
agreement n S2 W1
agriculture n W2
ahead adv S1 W2
aid n S2 W2
aim n S2 W2
aim v S2 W2
air n S1 W1
aircraft n S2 W2
airline n S2 W3
airport n S3 W3
alarm n S2
album n S3 W3
alcohol n W3
alive adj S2 W3
all determiner predeterminer pron S1 W1
all adv S1 W1
allow v S1 W1
allowance n S2 W3
all right adj adv interjection S1 W2
almost adv S1 W1
alone adj adv S2 W1
along adv S1 W1
along prep S1 W1
alongside adv prep W3
already adv S1 W1
also adv S1 W1
alter v S3 W3
alternative adj S2 W2
alternative n S2 W3
although conj S1 W1
altogether adv S2 W3
always adv S1 W1
amazing adj S2
ambition n W3
ambulance n S3
among prep S2 W1
amount n S1 W1
an indefinite article determiner S1 W1
analyse v W3
analysis n S3 W1
analyst n W2
ancient adj W2
and conj S1 W1
anger n W3
angle n S3 W3
angry adj S3 W3
animal n S1 W1
announce v S2 W1
announcement n S3 W3
annoy v S3
annual adj S2 W2
another determiner pron S1 W1
answer n S1 W1
answer v S1 W2
anticipate v S3
anxiety n S3 W3
anxious adj S3 W3
any determiner pron S1 W1
any adv S2
anybody pron S1 W3
anyhow adv S3
anyone pron S1 W1
anything pron S1 W1
anyway adv S1 W2
anywhere adv S1 W3
apart adv adj S2 W1
apartment n S2 W3
apologize v S2
apology n S3
apparent adj W2
apparently adv S1 W2
appeal n S2 W1
appeal v S3 W3
appear v S2 W1
appearance n W2
apple n S2 W3
application n S1 W1
apply v S1 W1
appoint v S2 W2
appointment n S2 W2
appreciate v S2 W3
approach n S2 W1
approach v S2 W2
appropriate adj S2 W1
approval n S2 W3
approve v S3 W2
approximate adj S3 W3
architect n W3
architecture n S3 W3
area n S1 W1
argue v S2 W1
argument n S1 W1
arise v S3 W2
arm n S1 W1
armed adj S3 W3
army n S1 W1
around adv prep S1 W1
arrange v S2 W2
arrangement n S2 W2
arrest v W3
arrival n W3
arrive v S2 W1
art n S1 W1
article n S2 W1
artificial adj S3
artist n S3 W2
as conj S1 W1
as prep adv S1 W1
ashamed adj S3
aside adv S3 W3
ask v S1 W1
asleep adj S2
aspect n S2 W1
assess v S2 W2
assessment n S3 W2
assignment n S2
assist v S3 W3
assistance n S3 W2
assistant n S3
associate v S3 W2
association n S3 W1
assume v S2 W1
assumption n S2 W2
assure v S2 W3
at prep S1 W1
atmosphere n S3 W2
attach v S2 W2
attack n S2 W2
attack v S3 W2
attempt n S2 W1
attempt v S2 W2
attend v S2 W2
attention n S2 W1
attitude n S2 W1
attorney n S2 W3
attract v S2 W2
attraction n W3
attractive adj S2 W2
audience n S2 W2
aunt n S3 W3
author n W2
authority n W1
automatic adj S3
automatically adv S3 W3
autumn n W3
available adj S1 W1
average adj S2 W2
average n S2
avoid v S2 W1
awake adj S3
award n S3 W2
award v W3
aware adj S1 W1
awareness n W3
away adv S1 W1
awful adj S1
awkward adj S3
baby n S1 W1
back adv S1 W1
back n S1 W1
back v S2 W3
back adj S2 W3
background n S2 W2
backwards adv S3
bacon n S3
bad adj S1 W1
badly adv S3 W3
bag n S1 W2
bake v S3
balance n S2 W2
balance v S3
ball n S1 W2
ban n W3
band n S2 W2
bang v S3
bang n S3
bank n S1 W1
bar n S1 W1
barrier n W3
base v S1 W1
base n S2 W2
baseball n S3 W2
basic adj S2 W1
basically adv S1
basis n S2 W1
basket n S3
bat n S3
bath n S2 W3
bathroom n S2 W3
battery n S2
battle n W2
be auxiliary S1 W1
be v S1 W1
beach n S2 W2
bean n S2
bear v S2 W2
beard n S3
beat v S2 W2
beat n S3
beautiful adj S1 W2
beauty n S3 W2
because conj S1 W1
because prep S1 W1
become v S1 W1
bed n S1 W1
bedroom n S1 W2
beef n S3
beer n S2 W3
before adv S1 W1
before conj S1 W1
before prep S1 W1
beforehand adv S3
begin v S1 W1
beginning n S1 W2
behalf n S3 W3
behave v S3 W3
behaviour n S2 W1
behind prep adv S1 W1
being n S2 W3
belief n S3 W2
believe v S1 W1
bell n S2 W3
belong v S2 W2
below adv prep S2 W2
belt n S2 W3
bench n S2 W3
bend v S3 W3
beneath adv prep W2
benefit n S2 W1
benefit v S2 W3
beside prep S3 W2
best adj S1 W1
best adv S1 W2
bet v S1
bet n S3
better adj S1 W1
better adv S1 W1
between adv prep S1 W1
beyond prep adv S2 W1
bicycle n W3
bid n W3
big adj S1 W1
bike n S2
bill n S1 W1
bin n S2
bird n S2 W2
birth n S2 W2
birthday n S1 W3
biscuit n S2
bit adv pron S1 W1
bit n S1 W1
bite v S2
bite n S3
bitter adj S3 W3
black adj S1 W1
blade n S3
blame v S2 W3
blank adj S3
bless v S3
blind adj S2 W3
block n S2 W2
block v S3
bloke n S2
blonde adj S3
blood n S2 W1
blow v S2 W3
blow n S3 W3
blue adj S1 W2
board n S1 W1
boat n S1 W2
body n S1 W1
boil v S3
boiler n S3
boiling adj S3
bomb n S3 W3
bone n S2 W2
bonus n S2
book n S1 W1
book v S2
boom n S3
boot n S2 W3
border n S3 W2
bored adj S3
boring adj S2
born v S1 W2
borrow v S2 W3
boss n S2 W3
both determiner predeterminer pron S1 W1
bother v S1 W3
bottle n S1 W2
bottom adj S1 W3
bottom n S1 W3
bounce v S3
bound adj S2 W3
bowl n S2 W3
box n S1 W1
boy n S1 W1
boyfriend n S3
brain n S2 W2
branch n S2 W2
brave adj S3
bread n S2 W3
break n S2 W2
break v S1 W1
breakfast n S2 W2
breast n S3
breath n S3 W2
breathe v S3 W3
brick n S2 W3
bridge n S2 W2
brief adj S2 W2
briefly adv S2 W3
bright adj S2 W2
brilliant adj S2 W3
bring v S1 W1
broad adj S2 W2
brother n S1 W1
brown adj S2 W2
brush n S3
brush v S3
buck n S1
bucket n S2
buddy n S3
budget n S1 W2
bug n S3
build v S1 W1
builder n S3
building n S1 W1
bump v S3
bunch n S2
burn v S2 W3
burn n S3
burst v W3
bury v W3
bus n S1 W2
business n S1 W1
busy adj S1 W2
but conj S1 W1
but prep S2 W3
but adv S2 W3
butcher n S3
butter n S2
button n S2
buy v S1 W1
buyer n S3 W3
by adv S1 W1
by prep S1 W1
bye interjection S1
bye n S3
cabinet n S2 W2
cable n W3
cake n S2 W3
calculate v S2 W3
calculation n S2
calculator n S3
calendar n S3
call n S1 W1
call v S1 W1
calm adj S3 W3
camera n S2 W3
camp n S3 W3
campaign n S2 W1
can modal S1 W1
can n S2
cancel v S2
cancer n S2 W2
candidate n W2
candle n S3
candy n S3
cap n S3
capable adj S2 W2
capacity n S3 W2
capital n S3 W1
capital adj S2 W3
captain n W3
capture v W3
car n S1 W1
card n S1 W2
care n S1 W1
care v S1 W2
career n S2 W2
careful adj S1 W2
carefully adv S2 W2
carpet n S2 W3
carrot n S3
carry v S1 W1
cartoon n S3
case n S1 W1
cash n S2 W2
cash v S3
cast v W3
castle n W3
cat n S1 W3
catalogue n W3
catch v S1 W1
category n S2 W2
cause v S1 W1
cause n S2 W1
CD n S3 W3
cease v W3
ceiling n S3 W3
celebrate v W3
celebration n S3
cell n S3 W2
cellphone n S2 W3
cent n S1 W1
centimetre n S3 W3
central adj S1 W1
centre n S1 W1
century n S2 W1
cereal n S3
certain adj S1 W1
certainly adv S1 W1
certificate n S3 W3
chain n S3 W2
chair n S1 W2
chairman n S3 W1
challenge n S2 W2
challenge v S3 W3
champion n W3
championship n W3
chance n S1 W1
change n S1 W1
change v S1 W1
channel n S3 W2
chap n S2
chapter n S3 W1
character n S1 W1
characteristic n S3 W2
characterize v W3
charge n S1 W1
charge v S1 W2
charity n S3 W3
chart n S3 W3
chase v S3
chat n S2
cheap adj S1 W2
cheat v S3
check v S1 W2
check n S1 W3
cheek n W3
cheese n S2 W3
chemical adj W3
chemical n S3 W3
chemist n S3
chemistry n S2
cheque n S2
cherry n S3
chest n S2 W3
chicken n S2
chief adj S2 W2
chief n W3
child n S1 W1
childhood n W3
chip n S2 W3
chocolate n S2
choice n S1 W1
choose v S1 W1
chop v S3
chuck v S3
church n S1 W1
cigarette n S2 W3
cinema n S3
circle n S2 W2
circuit n W3
circumstance n S2 W1
citizen n S2 W2
city n S1 W1
civil adj S3 W2
claim n S2 W1
claim v S1 W1
class n S1 W1
classic adj W3
classical adj W3
classroom n S3 W3
clean adj S2 W2
clean v S1 W3
cleaner n S3
clear adj S1 W1
clear v S1 W2
clearly adv S1 W1
clerk n S3
clever adj S2
click v S3
client n S2 W1
climate n W3
climb v W2
clock n S2 W3
close adj S1 W1
close adv S2 W2
close v S1 W1
closed adj S3
closely adv S3 W2
closet n S3
cloth n S3
clothes n S2 W2
cloud n S3 W3
club n S1 W1
clue n S2
coach n S3 W2
coal n S2 W2
coast n S3 W2
coat n S2 W3
code n S2 W2
coffee n S1 W2
coin n S3
cold adj S1 W1
collapse v S3
collar n S3
colleague n S2 W2
collect v S1 W2
collection n S2 W1
college n S1 W2
colour n S1 W1
column n S3 W2
combination n S3 W2
combine v S3 W2
come v S1 W1
comfort n W3
comfortable adj S2 W3
command n W3
comment n S1 W2
comment v S3 W3
commercial adj S3 W2
commission n S3 W2
commit v S2 W2
commitment n S2 W2
committee n S3 W1
common adj S1 W1
communicate v S3 W3
communication n S2 W1
community n S1 W1
company n S1 W1
compare v S1 W1
comparison n S3 W2
compete v S3 W3
competition n S2 W1
competitive adj S3 W3
complain v S2 W3
complaint n S3 W3
complete adj S2 W1
complete v S2 W1
completely adv S1 W2
complex adj S3 W2
complicated adj S2
component n W2
comprehensive adj W3
comprise v W3
computer n S1 W1
concentrate v S2 W2
concentration n S3 W2
concept n S3 W2
concern n S1 W1
concern v W3
concerned adj S1 W1
concerning prep W3
concert n S3 W3
conclude v S3 W2
conclusion n S3 W2
condition n S2 W1
conduct n W3
conduct v W2
conference n S2 W1
confidence n S2 W2
confident adj S3 W3
confine v W3
confirm v S2 W2
conflict n S3 W2
confused adj S3
confusing adj S3
confusion n S3 W3
congratulation n S3
connect v S2 W2
connection n S3 W2
conscious adj S2 W3
consciousness n W3
consent n W3
consequence n S3 W2
consider v S1 W1
considerable adj S3 W1
considerably adv S3
consideration n S2 W2
consist v W3
consistent adj S3 W3
constant adj S3 W3
constantly adv S3 W3
constitute v W3
construct v W3
construction n S3 W2
consult v S3 W3
consumer n S3 W2
consumption n W3
contact n S2 W2
contact v S2 W2
contain v S2 W1
contemporary adj W2
content n S3 W2
contest n W3
context n S2 W2
continue v S1 W1
continuous adj S3 W3
contract n S1 W1
contrast n W2
contribute v S3 W2
contribution n S2 W2
control n S1 W1
control v S2 W1
convenient adj S3
convention n W2
conventional adj W3
conversation n S1 W2
convert v W3
conviction n W3
convince v S3 W3
cook v S1 W3
cooker n S3
cookie n S3 W3
cool adj S2 W3
cool v S2
cooperation n S3 W3
cope v S2 W3
copy n S1 W2
copy v S2
core n W3
corn n S3
corner n S1 W2
correct adj S1 W2
correct v S3
corridor n S3 W3
cost n S1 W1
cost v S1 W2
cottage n S3 W3
cotton n W3
could modal S1 W1
council n S2 W2
count v S2 W3
counter n S3
country n S1 W1
countryside n S3 W3
county n W2
couple n S1 W1
courage n S3
course n S1 W1
court n S1 W1
cousin n S2
cover n S1 W2
cover v S1 W1
cow n S2
crack v S3
craft n W3
crash n S3
crazy adj S2
create v S2 W1
creation n W2
creative adj W3
creature n W3
credit n S2 W2
credit card n S3 W3
crew n S3 W3
crime n S2 W2
criminal adj S3 W2
crisis n S3 W2
criterion n W2
critic n W3
critical adj S3 W2
criticism n S3 W2
criticize v W3
crop n W3
cross adj S2
cross n S3 W3
cross v S2 W2
crowd n S3 W2
crown n W3
crucial adj W2
cruel adj S3
cry n W3
cry v S2 W2
cultural adj W2
culture n S2 W1
cup n S1 W1
cupboard n S2
curious adj S3
currency n W2
current adj S2 W2
current n W3
currently adv S2 W2
curtain n S3 W3
curve n S3 W3
cushion n S3
custom n W3
customer n S1 W1
cut n S2 W2
cut v S1 W1
cute adj S2
cycle n S3 W3
dad n S1 W3
daddy n S1
daft adj S3
daily adj S3 W2
damage n S3 W2
damage v S3 W3
dance n S2 W3
dance v S2 W3
danger n S2 W2
dangerous adj S2 W2
dare v S3 W3
dark adj S2 W1
darkness n W3
darling n S2
data n S1 W1
database n S3 W3
date n S1 W1
date v S3 W3
daughter n S1 W1
day n S1 W1
dead adj S1 W1
dead adv S3
deaf adj W3
deal n S1 W1
deal v S1 W1
dealer n W3
dear adj S2 W2
dear interjection S1
dear n S2
death n S1 W1
debate n S2 W2
debt n S3 W2
decade n W2
decent adj S3
decide v S1 W1
decision n S1 W1
declare v W2
decline n W2
decline v W3
deep adj S2 W1
deep adv W3
deeply adv W3
defeat n W3
defeat v W3
defence n S2 W1
defend v S3 W3
define v S2 W2
definite adj S3
definitely adv S1
definition n S2 W2
degree n S2 W1
delay n W3
delay v W3
deliberately adv S3
deliver v S2 W2
delivery n S3 W3
demand n S2 W1
demand v W2
democracy n W2
democratic adj W2
demonstrate v S3 W2
demonstration n W3
dentist n S3
deny v S3 W2
department n S2 W1
departure n W3
depend v S1 W2
dependent adj W3
deposit n S3 W3
depression n W3
depth n S3 W3
derive v W3
describe v S2 W1
description n S2 W2
desert n W3
deserve v S3 W3
design n S2 W1
design v S3 W1
designer n W3
desire n W2
desk n S2 W2
desperate adj S3 W3
despite prep S3 W1
destroy v S2 W2
destruction n W3
detail n S2 W1
detailed adj W2
detect v W3
determination n W3
determine v W2
determined adj W3
develop v S2 W1
development n S1 W1
device n S3 W2
devil n S3
diagram n S3
diamond n S3
diary n S3
die v S1 W1
diet n S3 W2
differ v W3
difference n S1 W1
different adj S1 W1
difficult adj S1 W1
difficulty n S2 W1
dig v S2
dimension n W3
dinner n S1 W2
direct adj S2 W1
direct v S3 W2
direction n S1 W1
directly adv S2 W2
director n S2 W1
directory n S3
dirt n S3
dirty adj S2 W3
disabled adj S3 W3
disagree v S3
disappear v S2 W2
disappoint v W3
disappointed adj S3 W3
disaster n S3 W3
disc n S2 W3
discipline n S3 W3
discount n S3
discover v S2 W1
discovery n W3
discuss v S2 W1
discussion n S2 W1
disease n S3 W1
disgusting adj S2
dish n S2 W3
disk n S2 W3
dismiss v W3
display n S3 W2
display v W2
dispute n W2
distance n S2 W2
distant adj W3
distinct adj W3
distinction n W3
distinguish v S3 W3
distribute v W2
distribution n W2
district n S3 W2
disturb v W3
divide v S2 W2
division n S3 W1
divorce n S3
do auxiliary S1 W1
do v S1 W1
doctor n S1 W1
document n S2 W2
dog n S1 W1
dollar n S1 W2
domestic adj W2
dominant adj W3
dominate v W3
door n S1 W1
dot n S2
double adj S1 W2
double v S3
doubt n S1 W1
doubt v S2
down adv prep adj S1 W1
downstairs adv S2
downtown adv S3 W3
dozen number S2 W3
draft n S2 W3
drag v S3 W3
drama n W3
dramatic adj W3
draw n S3
draw v S1 W1
drawer n S3
drawing n S3 W3
dream n S2 W2
dream v S3 W3
dress n S2 W2
dress v S2 W2
drink n S1 W2
drink v S1 W2
drive n S2 W2
drive v S1 W1
driver n S1 W2
drop n S2 W3
drop v S1 W2
drug n S2 W1
drunk adj S3
dry adj S2 W2
dry v S2 W3
duck n S3
dude n S3
due adj S1 W1
dull adj S3
dumb adj S3
dump v S3
during prep S1 W1
dust n S3 W3
duty n S2 W1
DVD n S3 W3
each determiner pron adv S1 W1

each other pron S1 W1
ear n S2 W2
early adj S1 W1
early adv S1 W1
earn v S2 W2
earth n S2 W2
ease v W3
easily adv S2 W1
east n S1 W2
eastern adj S2 W2
easy adj S1 W1
easy adv S2
eat v S1 W1
economic adj S2 W1
economics n W3
economy n S2 W1
edge n S2 W2
edition n W3
editor n W2
education n S1 W1
educational adj S3 W2
effect n S1 W1
effective adj S2 W1
effectively adv S3 W2
efficiency n W3
efficient adj S3 W3
effort n S1 W1
egg n S1 W2
either conj S1 W1
either determiner pron S1 W1
elderly adj S3 W2
elect v S3 W3
election n S2 W1
electric adj S2 W3
electrical adj S3
electricity n S2 W3
electronic adj S3 W3
element n S2 W1
elevator n S3 W3
else adv S1 W1
elsewhere adv S3 W2
email n S2 W2
email v S2 W2
embarrassed adj S3
emerge v W2
emergency n S3 W3
emotion n W3
emotional adj S3 W3
emphasis n S3 W2
emphasize v S3 W2
empire n W3
employ v S3 W2
employee n S2 W2
employer n S2 W2
employment n S2 W1
empty adj S2 W2
enable v S3 W1
encounter v W3
encourage v S2 W1
encouraging adj S3
end n S1 W1
end v S1 W1
enemy n W2
energy n S2 W1
engage v W3
engine n S2 W2
engineer n S3 W3
engineering n S3 W3
enhance v W3
enjoy v S1 W1
enjoyable adj S3
enormous adj S2 W3
enough adv S1 W1
enough determiner pron S1 W2
enquiry n S2 W2
ensure v S2 W1
enter v S2 W1
enterprise n W2
entertainment n S3 W3
enthusiasm n W3
enthusiastic adj S3
entire adj S3 W2
entirely adv S2 W2
entitle v S3 W3
entrance n S3 W3
entry n S3 W2
envelope n S3
environment n S1 W1
environmental adj S2 W2
equal adj S1 W2
equal v S2
equally adv S3 W2
equipment n S2 W2
equivalent adj W3
era n W3
error n S3 W2
escape n S3
escape v S3 W2
especially adv S1 W1
essay n S3
essential adj S3 W2
essentially adv S2 W3
establish v S2 W1
establishment n W2
estate n S2 W2
estimate n S3 W2
estimate v S3 W2
ethnic adj W3
even adv S1 W1
evening n S1 W1
event n S1 W1
eventually adv S1 W2
ever adv S1 W1
every determiner S1 W1
everybody pron S1 W3
everyone pron S1 W1
everything pron S1 W1
everywhere adv S2 W3
evidence n S2 W1
evil adj S3 W3
exact adj S3
exactly adv S1 W2
exam n S1
examination n W2
examine v S3 W2
example n S1 W1
excellent adj S1 W2
except conj prep S2 W2
exception n S3 W2
exchange n S2 W1
excitement n S3 W3
exciting adj S2 W3
exclude v W3
excuse n S3
excuse v S1
executive adj W3
executive n S3 W2
exercise n S2 W2
exercise v S3 W2
exhibition n W2
exist v S2 W1
existence n S3 W2
existing adj S2 W2
exit n S3
expand v S3 W3
expansion n W3
expect v S1 W1
expectation n S3 W2
expenditure n W3
expense n S3 W2
expensive adj S1 W2
experience n S1 W1
experience v S2 W2
experienced adj S3
experiment n S3 W2
experimental adj W3
expert adj W3
expert n S3 W2
explain v S1 W1
explanation n S3 W2
explore v S3 W2
explosion n W3
export n W2
expose v W3
express v S2 W1
expression n S2 W2
extend v S3 W2
extension n S3 W3
extensive adj W3
extent n S2 W1
external adj W2
extra adj S1 W2
extraordinary adj S3 W3
extreme adj S3 W3
extremely adv S2 W2
eye n S1 W1
face n S1 W1
face v S1 W1
facility n S2 W1
fact n S1 W1
factor n S3 W1
factory n S2 W2
fail v S2 W1
failure n S3 W2
fair adj S1 W2
fair adv S2 W3
fairly adv S1 W2
faith n S3 W2
fall n S2 W2
fall v S1 W1
FALSE adj W3
familiar adj S3 W2
family n S1 W1
famous adj S2 W2
fan n S3 W2
fancy adj S3
fancy v S2
fantastic adj S3
far adj S1 W1
far adv S1 W1
farm n S2 W2
farmer n S2 W2
fascinating adj S3
fashion n S3 W2
fast adj S2 W2
fast adv S2 W3
fat adj S2 W3
father n S1 W1
fault n S2 W3
favour n S2 W3
favour v W3
favourite adj S3 W3
fear n S3 W1
fear v W2
feature n S2 W1
feature v W3
federal adj W1
fee n S3 W3
feed v S1 W2
feedback n S3
feel v S1 W1
feeling n S1 W1
fellow adj W3
female adj S3 W2
female n W3
fence n S3
festival n S3 W3
fetch v S3
few determiner pron adj S1 W1
field n S1 W1
fight n S2 W3
fight v S1 W1
figure n S1 W1
figure v S1 W3
file n S1 W2
file v S3 W3
fill v S1 W1
film n S1 W1
filthy adj S3
final adj S1 W1
final n W3
finally adv S2 W1
finance n S3 W2
finance v W3
financial adj S2 W1
find v S1 W1
finding n W2
fine adj S1 W1
fine adv S3
finger n S2 W2
finish n S3
finish v S1 W2
fire n S1 W1
fire v S3 W3
firm adj S3 W2
firm n S1 W1
first adj S1 W1
first adv S1 W2
firstly adv S3
fish n S1 W1
fish v S3
fishing n S3
fit adj S2 W3
fit v S1 W2
fix v S2 W2
fixed adj S3 W3
flash v S3
flat adj S2 W2
flat n S2 W3
flavour n W3
flesh n W3
flight n S3 W2
flood v W3
floor n S1 W1
flow n S3 W2
flow v W3
flower n S2 W2
fly v S2 W2
focus n S3 W2
focus v S3 W2
fold v W3
folk n S2 W3
follow v S1 W1
following adj S3 W1
food n S1 W1
foot n S1 W1
football n S1 W2
for prep S1 W1
force n S2 W1
force v S2 W1
foreign adj S3 W1
forest n S2 W2
forever adv S2 W3
forget v S1 W1
forgive v S3
fork n S3
form n S1 W1
form v S2 W1
formal adj S2 W2
formally adv S3
formation n W3
former adj S2 W1
formula n S3 W3
forth adv S2
fortnight n S3
fortunate adj S3
fortune n S3 W3
forward adj S2 W3
forward adv S1 W1
foundation n W2
frame n S3 W3
frankly adv S3
free adj S1 W1
free v S3 W3
freedom n S3 W2
freeway n S2 W3
freeze v S3 W3
freezer n S3
frequent adj W3
frequently adv S3 W2
fresh adj S2 W2
fridge n S2
friend n S1 W1
friendly adj S2 W3
friendship n W3
frightened adj S3
from prep S1 W1
front adj S1 W2
front n S1 W1
fruit n S2 W3
fry v S3
fuel n S3 W2
fulfil v W3
full adj S1 W1
fully adv S2 W2
fun adj S2 W3
fun n S2 W3
function n S3 W1
fund n S3 W1
fund v S3 W3
fundamental adj W2
funeral n S3
funny adj S1 W3
furniture n S2 W3
further adv S1 W1
fuss n S3
future adj S1 W1
future n S1 W1
gain n W3
gain v S3 W2
gallery n W3
game n S1 W1
gang n S3
gap n S2 W2
garage n S2
garbage n S3
garden n S1 W1
garlic n S3
gas n S1 W2
gasoline n S3 W3
gate n S2 W2
gather v S3 W2
gay adj S3 W3
gear n S3
gene n S3 W3
general adj S1 W1
generally adv S2 W1
generate v S3 W2
generation n S3 W2
generous adj W3
gentle adj S3 W3
gentleman n S2 W2
gently adv W3
genuine adj S3 W3
get v S1 W1
giant adj W3
gift n S2 W2
girl n S1 W1
girlfriend n S3
give v S1 W1
glad adj S2 W3
glance n W3
glass n S1 W1
global adj W2
glove n S3
go n S1
go v S1 W1
goal n S2 W1
god n S1 W1
gold adj S3 W3
gold n S2 W2
golden adj W3
golf n S2 W3
good adj S1 W1
good morning interjection S2
good night interjection S3
goodbye interjection S3
goodness n S2
goods n S2 W2
gorgeous adj S3
gosh interjection S2
govern v W3
government n S2 W1
governor n W3
grab v S2 W3
grade n S2 W3
gradually adv S3 W3
gram n S3
grammar n S3 W3
grand adj S2 W3
grandad n S3
grandfather n S3
grandma n S2
grandmother n S3
grandpa n S3
granny n S3
grant n S2 W2
grant v S2 W2
graph n S3
grass n S2 W2
grateful adj S3 W3
great adj S1 W1
greatly adv W3
green adj S1 W2
green n S2 W3
grey adj S2 W2
grocery n S3
gross adj S3
ground n S1 W1
group n S1 W1
grow v S1 W1
growth n S3 W1
guarantee n S3
guarantee v S2 W3
guard n S3 W3
guess n S3
guess v S1 W3
guest n S3 W2
guidance n S3 W3
guide n S3 W2
guide v W3
guilty adj S2 W3
guitar n S3 W3
gun n S2 W2
guy n S1 W3
habit n S3 W3
hair n S1 W1
half adv S2
half n S1 W2
half predeterminer pron adj S1 W1
halfway adj adv S3
hall n S2 W2
hand n S1 W1
hand v S2 W2
handbag n S3
handle n S3
handle v S2 W2
handy adj S3
hang v S1 W2
happen v S1 W1
happy adj S1 W1
hard adj S1 W1
hard adv S1 W2
hardly adv S2 W2
harm n S3 W3
hat n S1 W3
hate v S1 W3
have v S1 W1
have v S1 W1
have v S1 W3
he pron S1 W1
head n S1 W1
head v S2 W2
headquarters n W3
health n S1 W1
healthy adj S3 W3
hear v S1 W1
hearing n S3 W2
heart n S1 W1
heat n S2 W2
heat v S3
heater n S3
heating n S3
heaven n S3 W3
heavily adv W3
heavy adj S1 W1
height n S2 W3
hell n S1 W3
hello interjection n S1
help n S1 W1
help v S1 W1
helpful adj S2 W3
hence adv W3
her determiner S1 W1
her pron S1 W1
here adv S1 W1
hero n W3
hers pron S3 W3
herself pron S2 W1
hesitate v W3
hi interjection S1
hide v S2 W2
high adj S1 W1
high adv S3
highlight v W3
highly adv S2 W2
highway n S3
hill n S2 W2
him pron S1 W1
himself pron S1 W1
hire v S2 W3
his determiner pron S1 W1
historian n W3
historical adj W2
history n S2 W1
hit n S3 W3
hit v S1 W2
hold n S2 W3
hold v S1 W1
holder n W2
holding n W3
hole n S1 W2
holiday n S1 W2
holy adj W3
home adv S1 W1
home n S1 W1
homework n S2
honest adj S1 W3
honestly adv S2
honey n S2
honour n W3
hook n S3
hook v S3
hope n S2 W2
hope v S1 W1
hopefully adv S1
hopeless adj S3
horrible adj S2
horror n W3
horse n S1 W1
hospital n S1 W1
host n W3
hot adj S1 W2
hotel n S2 W1
hour n S1 W1
house n S1 W1
household n S3 W2
housing n W2
how adv conj S1 W1
however adv S1 W1
huge adj S1 W2
human adj S2 W1
human n W3
hungry adj S2
hunt v W3
hurry n S3
hurry v S3
hurt v S1 W2
husband n S1 W1
I pron S1 W1
ice n S2 W3
ice cream n S2
idea n S1 W1
ideal adj S3 W3
ideally adv S3
identify v S2 W1
identity n W2
idiot n S3
if conj S1 W1
ignore v S2 W2
ill adj S3 W2
illegal adj W3
illness n S3 W3
illustrate v W2
image n S2 W1
imagination n S3 W3
imagine v S1 W2
immediate adj S3 W2
immediately adv S2 W1
impact n S3 W2
implement v W3
implication n S3 W2
imply v W2
import n W3
importance n S3 W1
important adj S1 W1
impose v S3 W2
impossible adj S2 W2
impress v S3 W3
impression n S2 W2
impressive adj W3
improve v S2 W1
improvement n S3 W2
in adv S1 W1
in prep S1 W1
inch n S2 W3
incident n S3 W2
include v S1 W1
including prep S2 W1
income n S2 W1
incorporate v W3
increase n S2 W1
increase v S2 W1
increasingly adv W2
incredible adj S3
incredibly adv S3
indeed adv S1 W1
independence n W2
independent adj S2 W2
index n W2
indicate v S3 W1
indication n S3 W3
individual adj S2 W1
individual n S2 W1
industrial adj S3 W1
industry n S2 W1
inevitable adj W3
inevitably adv W3
infant n W3
infection n W3
inflation n S3 W2
influence n S3 W1
influence v S3 W2
inform v S3 W3
informal adj W3
information n S1 W1
initial adj S3 W2
initially adv S3 W3
initiative n S3 W2
injure v W3
injury n S3 W2
inner adj S3 W2
innocent adj W3
innovation n W3
input n W3
inquiry n W2
insect n W3
inside adv prep S2 W2
inside n S3
insist v S3 W2
inspection n W3
inspector n S3 W3
install v W3
instance n S3 W2
instant adj S3
instead adv S1 W1
institute n W3
institution n W1
instruction n S3 W2
instrument n W2
insurance n S2 W2
intellectual adj W3
intelligence n S3 W3
intelligent adj S3
intend v S2 W1
intense adj W3
intention n S3 W2
interaction n W3
interest n S1 W1
interested adj S1 W2
interesting adj S1 W2
internal adj W2
international adj S2 W1
internet n S2 W2
interpret v W3
interpretation n W2
interval n W3
intervention n W3
interview n S2 W2
interview v S2
into prep S1 W1
introduce v S2 W1
introduction n S3 W2
invest v S3 W3
investigate v W2
investigation n W2
investment n S2 W1
invite v S2 W2
involve v S2 W1
involved adj S2 W3
involvement n W3
iron n S2 W3
iron v S3
island n S3 W2
issue n S1 W1
issue v S3 W2
it pron S1 W1
item n S3 W2
its determiner S1 W1
itself pron S1 W1
jacket n S2 W3
jam n S3
job n S1 W1
join v S1 W1
joint adj S2 W2
joke n S2 W3
joke v S3
journalist n W3
journey n S3 W2
joy n W3
judge n S2 W2
judge v S3 W3
judgment n W2
juice n S2
jump n S3
jump v S2 W3
jumper n S3
junior adj W3
jury n S3 W3
just adv S1 W1
justice n W2
justify v S3 W3
keen adj S3 W3
keep v S1 W1
kettle n S3
key adj S3 W2
key n S2 W2
keyboard n S3
kick n S3
kick v S2 W3
kid n S1 W2
kid v S2
kill v S1 W1
kilometre n S3 W3
kind adj S2 W3
kind n S1 W1
king n W1
kiss v S3 W3
kit n S3
kitchen n S1 W2
knee n S2 W2
knife n S3 W3
knock v S1 W3
know v S1 W1
knowledge n S2 W1
known adj W3
lab n S3
label n S3 W3
laboratory n W3
labour n S2 W1
lack n S3 W2
lack v W3
lad n S2 W3
ladder n S3
lady n S1 W2
lake n S3 W3
lamb n S3
lamp n S3
land n S1 W1
land v S2 W3
landlord n W3
landscape n W3
lane n S3 W3
language n S1 W1
large adj S1 W1
largely adv S3 W2
last adv S1 W1
last determiner adj S1 W1
last n pron S1 W1
last v S1 W2
late adj S1 W1
late adv S2 W3
later adv S1 W1
latter n W2
laugh v S2 W2
laugh n S3
launch v W2
law n S1 W1
lawyer n S3 W2
lay v S1 W2
layer n S3 W3
lazy adj S3
lead v S1 W1
lead n S2 W2
leader n S2 W1
leadership n S3 W2
leading adj W2
leaf n S2 W2
league n W2
lean v S3
learn v S1 W1
least determiner pron S1 W1
leather n W3
leave v S1 W1
leave n S3 W2
lecture n S2 W3
left adj S1 W1
left adv S3 W3
left n S3 W3
leg n S1 W1
legal adj S2 W1
legislation n W2
leisure n W3
lend v S3 W3
length n S2 W2
less adv S1 W1
less determiner pron S1 W1
lesson n S2 W3
let v S1 W1
letter n S1 W1
level adj S1 W2
level n S1 W1
liberal adj W2
library n S2 W1
licence n S3 W2
lick v S3
lid n S3
lie v S2 W1
lie v S3 W3
lie n S3
life n S1 W1
lift v S2 W2
lift n S3 W3
light adj S1 W1
light n S1 W1
light v S2 W3
lighting n S3
like prep S1 W1
like v S1 W1
like adv S1
like conj S1
like n W3
likely adj S1 W1
limit n S2 W2
limit v S3 W2
limitation n W3
limited adj W2
line n S1 W1
link n S3 W2
link v S3 W2
lip n S3 W2
liquid n W3
list n S1 W1
list v S2 W3
listen v S1 W1
literally adv S2
literary adj W2
literature n S3 W2
little adj S1 W1
little adv S1 W1
little determiner pron S1 W1
live v S1 W1
live adj S3 W3
lively adj S3
living n S2
load n S1 W3
loan n S2 W2
local adj S1 W1
locate v W3
location n S3 W2
lock n S2
lock v S2 W3
log n S3
logical adj S3
lonely adj S3
long adj S1 W1
long adv S1 W1
long-term adj W3
look n S1 W1
look v S1 W1
loose adj S3 W3
lord n S3 W2
lorry n S3
lose v S1 W1
loss n S2 W1
lost adj S2 W3
lot pron adv S1 W1
lot n S2
loud adj S2 W3
loud adv S3
lounge n S3
love n S1 W1
love v S1 W1
lovely adj S1 W3
lover n W3
low adj S1 W1
lower v S3 W3
lower adj W3
luck n S2 W3
luckily adv S3
lucky adj S2 W3
lump n S2
lunch n S1 W2
lunchtime n S3
machine n S1 W1
machinery n W3
mad adj S2 W3
madam n S3
magazine n S2 W2
magic n W3
mail n S3 W3
mail v S3
main adj S1 W1
mainly adv S2 W2
maintain v S2 W1
maintenance n W3
major adj S1 W1
majority n S2 W1
make v S1 W1
male adj S3 W2
male n W3
mall n S3 W3
man n S1 W1
manage v S1 W1
management n S1 W1
manager n S1 W1
manner n S3 W2
manufacturer n W2
manufacturing n W3
many determiner pron adj S1 W1
map n S2 W2
march v W2
march n W3
margin n W3
mark n S3 W2
mark v S2 W2
market n S1 W1
marketing n S3 W3
marriage n S2 W2
married adj S2 W2
marry v S1 W2
marvellous adj S2
mass n W2
mass adj W3
massive adj S2 W3
master n S2 W2
match n S2 W2
match v S3 W2
mate n S2
material n S1 W1
material adj W3
math n S2
maths n S2
matter n S1 W1
matter v S1 W3
maximum adj S3 W3
may modal S1 W1
maybe adv S1 W1
me pron S1 W1
meal n S2 W2
mean v S1 W1
meaning n S2 W1
means n S2 W2
meanwhile adv W2
measure v S2 W2
measure n W2
measurement n W3
meat n S2 W3
mechanism n S3 W3
media n S2 W2
medical adj S2 W2
medicine n S2 W3
medieval adj W3
medium adj S3
meet v S1 W1
meeting n S1 W1
member n S1 W1
membership n S2 W2
memory n S2 W1
mental adj S2 W2
mention v S1 W1
menu n S3
mere adj W3
merely adv S3 W2
mess n S2
mess v S2
message n S1 W2
messy adj S3
metal n S2 W2
method n S1 W1
metre n S2 W3
middle adj S1 W2
middle n S1 W2
midnight n S3
might modal S1 W1
mile n S1 W1
military adj S2 W1
milk n S2 W3
millimetre n S3
mind n S1 W1
mind v S1 W2
mine n S2 W3
mine pron S1
mineral n W3
minimum adj S2 W3
minister n S1 W1
ministry n W2
minor adj S2 W2
minority n S3 W2
minute n S1 W1
mirror n S3 W3
misery n S3
miss v S1 W2
miss n S2
mission n S3 W2
mistake n S2 W2
mix v S2 W3
mixed adj S2
mixture n S3 W3
mobile n S2
mobile phone n S2 W3
mode n W3
model n S2 W1
modern adj S1 W1
mom n S1
moment n S1 W1
mommy n S3
money n S1 W1
monitor v S3 W3
month n S1 W1
mood n S3 W3
moon n W3
moral adj S3 W2
more adv S1 W1
more determiner pron S1 W1
moreover adv W2
morning n S1 W1
mortgage n W3
most adv S1 W1
most determiner pron S1 W1
mostly adv S2 W3
mother n S1 W1
motion n W3
motor n S3 W3
motorway n S2
mountain n S3 W3
mouse n S2 W3
mouth n S2 W1
move v S1 W1
move n S2 W1
movement n S1 W1
movie n S1 W2
much adv S1 W1
much determiner pron S1 W1
mud n S3
mum n S1 W2
mummy n S1
murder n S3 W2
muscle n S2 W3
museum n S3 W2
mushroom n S3
music n S1 W1
musical adj S3 W3
must modal S1 W1
my determiner S1 W1
myself pron S1 W1
mystery n W3
nail n S3
naked adj S3
name n S1 W1
name v S2 W2
narrow adj S3 W2
nasty adj S2
nation n S3 W2
national adj S1 W1
native adj S3 W3
natural adj S2 W1
naturally adv S3 W3
nature n S1 W1
naughty adj S3
near adv prep S1 W1
near adj S2 W3
nearby adj W3
nearly adv S1 W1
neat adj S2
necessarily adv S2 W2
necessary adj S2 W1
neck n S2 W2
need n S1 W1
need v S1 W1
negative adj S2 W2
negotiate v S3 W3
negotiation n S3 W2
neighbour n S2 W2
neighbourhood n S3 W3
neither adv S2 W3
neither determiner pron W3

nerve n S3 W3
nervous adj S3 W3
net n W3
net v W3
network n S3 W2
never adv S1 W1
nevertheless adv S3 W2
new adj S1 W1
newly adv W3
news n S1 W1
newspaper n S2 W2
next adv S1 W1
next determiner adj S1 W1
nice adj S1 W2
nicely adv S3
night n S1 W1
nil n S3
no adv S1 W1
no determiner S1 W1
no one pron S1 W2
no way adv S2
nobody pron S1 W2
nod v W2
noise n S2 W2
noisy adj S3
none pron S1 W2
nonsense n S3
nope adv S3
nor conj adv S2 W1
normal adj S1 W1
normally adv S1 W2
north n S1 W2
northern adj S2 W2
nose n S2 W2
not adv S1 W1
notably adv W3
note n S1 W1
note v S3 W1
nothing pron S1 W1
notice v S1 W2
notice n S2 W2
notion n W3
novel n W3
now adv S1 W1
now conj S1 W3
nowadays adv S2
nowhere adv S2
nuclear adj W2
nuisance n S3
number n S1 W1
numerous adj W3
nurse n S2 W3
nut n S3
object n S3 W2
object v S2
objection n S3
objective n S3 W3
obligation n W3
observation n W3
observe v W2
obtain v S3 W2
obvious adj S2 W2
obviously adv S1 W2
occasion n S1 W2
occasional adj S3 W3
occasionally adv S2 W3
occupation n S3 W3
occupy v W2
occur v S1 W1
ocean n S3 W2
o’clock adv S1 W3
odd adj S1 W3
odds n S3
of prep S1 W1
of course adv S1 W1
off adv prep adj S1 W1
offence n S3 W2
offer v S1 W1
offer n S2 W1
office n S1 W1
officer n S1 W1
official n S3 W1
official adj S3 W2
often adv S1 W1
oil n S2 W1
OK adj adv S1
OK interjection S1
old adj S1 W1
on prep S1 W1
on adj adv S1 W1
once adv S1 W1
once conj S1 W1
one number S1 W1
one pron S1 W1
one determiner S1 W1
one another pron S3 W3
onion n S3
only adj S1 W1
only adv S1 W1
onto prep S1 W2
open adj S1 W1
open v S1 W1
opening n S3
operate v S2 W2
operation n S1 W1
operator n W3
opinion n S1 W2
opponent n W3
opportunity n S1 W1
oppose v S3 W3
opposite prep S2 W2
opposition n S3 W2
option n S1 W2
or conj S1 W1
orange n S3
order n S1 W1
order v S2 W2
ordinary adj S1 W2
organ n W3
organic adj W3
organization n S2 W1
organize v S1 W2
organized adj S3
origin n W2
original adj S1 W1
originally adv S2 W2
other determiner adj pron S1 W1
otherwise adv S1 W2
ought to modal S1 W1
ounce n S3
our determiner S1 W1
ours pron S1
ourselves pron S1 W3
out adv S1 W1
out prep S1 W1
outcome n W3
output n W2
outside adv prep S1 W1
outside adj S2 W2
outside n S3
outstanding adj W3
oven n S3
over adv adj S1 W1
over prep S1 W1
overall adj S3 W2
overcome v W3
overseas adv W3
overtime n S3
owe v S2 W3
own adj pron S1 W1
own v S2 W2
owner n S2 W2
ownership n W3
pace n W3
pack n S2 W3
package n S2 W2
packet n S2
pad n S3
page n S1 W1
pain n S2 W2
paint n S2 W2
paint v S2 W3
painting n S3 W2
pair n S2 W2
palace n W3
pale adj W3
pan n S3 W3
panel n S1 W2
panic n S3
pants n S3
paper n S1 W1
parcel n S3
pardon interjection S2
parent n S1 W1
park n S1 W2
park v S2
parking n S3
parliament n W2
part n S1 W1
participate v W3
particular adj S1 W1
particularly adv S1 W1
partly adv S2 W2
partner n S2 W2
partnership n W3
party n S1 W1
pass v S1 W1
pass n S2 W3
passage n W2
passenger n S3 W2
passion n W3
past adj S1 W1
past n S1 W2
past prep adv S1 W2
path n S2 W2
patience n S3
patient n S2 W1
patient adj W3
pattern n S2 W1
pause v W3
pay v S1 W1
pay n S1 W2
payment n S2 W1
peace n S2 W2
peaceful adj S3
peak n W3
pen n S2
penalty n W3
pencil n S2
penny n S1
pension n S2 W2
people n S1 W1
pepper n S3
per prep S3 W1
perceive v W3
percent n S3 W2
percentage n W3
perception n W3
perfect adj S2 W2
perfectly adv S2 W3
perform v S3 W2
performance n S2 W1
perhaps adv S1 W1
period n S1 W1
permanent adj S2 W2
permission n S2 W3
permit v W3
person n S1 W1
personal adj S1 W1
personality n S3 W3
personally adv S2
personnel n W3
perspective n W3
persuade v S3 W2
petrol n S3
phase n W2
philosophy n W3
phone n S1 W2
phone v S1
photo n S3 W3
photocopy n S3 W3
photocopy v S3 W3
photograph n S2 W2
phrase n S3 W3
physical adj S2 W1
physically adv S3
physics n S3
piano n S3
pick v S1 W1
picture n S1 W1
pie n S2
piece n S1 W1
pig n S2
pile n S2
pill n S3
pilot n W3
pin n S3
pink adj S2 W3
pint n S2
pipe n S2 W3
pitch n S3 W3
pity n S3
pizza n S2
place n S1 W1
place v S2 W1
plain adj S2 W3
plan n S1 W1
plan v S1 W1
plane n S2 W2
planet n W3
plant n S2 W1
plastic n S2 W2
plate n S2 W2
platform n S3 W3
play v S1 W1
play n S1 W2
player n S2 W1
pleasant adj S3 W3
please interjection S1 W2
please v W3
pleased adj S2 W3
pleasure n S2 W2
plenty pron S1 W1
plot n W3
plug n S3
plus prep S1 W2
pocket n S2 W2
poem n S3 W3
poet n W3
poetry n W3
point n S1 W1
point v S2 W2
pole n W3
police n S1 W1
policeman n S2 W3
policy n S3 W1
polite adj S3
political adj S2 W1
politician n W2
politics n S2 W2
poll n W3
pollution n W2
pond n S3
pool n S2 W2
poor adj S1 W1
pop n S3 W3
pop v S2
popular adj S2 W1
population n S2 W1
port n W2
pose v W3
position n S1 W1
positive adj S2 W2
possess v W3
possession n W3
possibility n S2 W2
possible adj S1 W1
possibly adv S1 W2
post n S2 W2
post v S3
post office n S3
poster n S3
pot n S2 W3
potato n S2
potential adj S3 W2
potential n W3
pound n S1 W2
pour v S2 W3
poverty n W3
power n S1 W1
powerful adj S3 W2
practical adj S3 W2
practically adv S3
practice n S2 W1
practise v S3 W3
praise n W3
pray v S3 W3
prayer n S3 W3
precise adj W3
precisely adv S2 W3
predict v W3
prefer v S2 W2
preference n W3
pregnant adj S3
premise n W3
preparation n S3 W3
prepare v S1 W1
prepared adj S2
presence n S3 W2
present adj S2 W2
present n S2 W3
present v S2 W1
presentation n S2 W3
preserve v W3
president n S2 W2
press n S2 W2
press v S1 W2
pressure n S1 W1
presumably adv S1 W3
presume v S3
pretend v S2 W3
pretty adj S2 W3
pretty adv S1 W3
prevent v S2 W1
previous adj S1 W1
previously adv S3 W2
price n S1 W1
pride n S3 W3
priest n W3
primarily adv W3
primary adj S2 W2
prince n W3
princess n W3
principal adj W2
principle n S2 W1
print v S2 W3
print n W3
printer n S3 W3
prior adj W3
priority n S2 W2
prison n S2 W2
prisoner n S3 W2
private adj S1 W1
privilege n W3
prize n S2 W2
probably adv S1 W1
problem n S1 W1
procedure n S2 W2
proceed v S3 W3
proceeding n W2
process n S1 W1
produce v S1 W1
producer n W3
product n S1 W1
production n S1 W1
profession n W3
professional adj S2 W1
professional n W3
professor n S3 W3
profile n W3
profit n S1 W1
program n W1
programme n S1 W1
progress n S2 W2
project n S1 W1
promise v S2 W2
promise n S3 W2
promote v S3 W2
promotion n S3 W3
prompt adj W3
proof n S3 W3
proper adj S1 W2
properly adv S1 W2
property n S2 W1
proportion n S2 W2
proposal n S2 W1
propose v S2 W2
proposed adj W3
prosecution n W3
prospect n W2
protect v S2 W2
protection n S2 W2
protest n W3
proud adj S2 W3
prove v S2 W1
provide v S1 W1
provided conj S3 W2
providing conj S2
provision n S3 W1
psychological adj W3
psychology n W3
pub n S2 W3
public adj S1 W1
public n S2 W2
publication n W2
publicity n S3 W3
publish v S3 W1
publisher n W3
pudding n S3
pull v S1 W1
punch v S3
punishment n W3
pupil n S2 W1
purchase n W3
purchase v W3
pure adj S3 W3
purely adv S3 W3
purple adj S3
purpose n S2 W2
purse n S3
pursue v S3 W2
push v S1 W2
put v S1 W1
qualification n W3
qualify v S3 W3
quality n S1 W1
quantity n S3 W2
quarter n S1 W2
queen n S2 W2
question n S1 W1
question v S2 W3
queue n S3
quick adj S1 W2
quick adv S3
quickly adv S1 W1
quid n S2
quiet adj S2 W2
quietly adv S3 W3
quit v S3
quite predeterminer adv S1 W1
quote v S2 W3
quote n S2
race n S2 W2
racing n S3
radical adj W3
radio n S1 W2
rail n S2 W2
railway n S2 W2
rain n S2 W2
rain v S3
raise v S1 W1
range n S1 W1
range v W3
rank n W3
rapid adj W3
rapidly adv W3
rare adj S3 W2
rarely adv W2
rate n S1 W1
rather predeterminer adv S1 W1
ratio n W3
raw adj W3
reach v S1 W1
react v S3 W3
reaction n S2 W2
read v S1 W1
reader n S3 W2
readily adv W3
reading n W2
ready adj S1 W2
real adj S1 W1
realistic adj S3
reality n S2 W2
realize v S1 W1
really adv S1 W1
reason n S1 W1
reasonable adj S1 W2
reasonably adv S2 W3
recall v S3 W2
receipt n S2
receive v S1 W1
recent adj S2 W1
recently adv S1 W1
reception n W3
recipe n S3
reckon v S1 W3
recognition n S3 W2
recognize v S1 W1
recommend v S2 W2
recommendation n S3
record n S1 W1
record v S3 W2
recording n W3
recover v W2
recovery n W3
red adj S1 W1
reduce v S1 W1
reduction n S3 W2
refer v S1 W1
reference n S2 W1
reflect v S2 W1
reflection n W3
reform n W2
refrigerator n S3
refuse v S2 W1
regard n S3
regard v S2 W1
regime n W2
region n S1 W1
regional adj S1 W2
register v S3 W3
registration n S3
regret v W3
regular adj S2 W2
regularly adv S3 W3
regulation n S2 W2
reinforce v W3
reject v S3 W2
relate v S2 W1
related adj S2 W3
relation n S2 W1
relationship n S1 W1
relative adj W2
relative n S3 W3
relatively adv S2 W2
relax v S3 W3
release v S2 W2
release n S3 W2
relevant adj S2 W2
relief n S2 W2
relieve v S3
religion n S2 W2
religious adj S2 W2
rely v S3 W2
remain v S1 W1
remaining adj W2
remains n W3
remark n W3
remarkable adj W3
remember v S1 W1
remind v S1 W2
remote adj W3
remove v S2 W1
rent n S2 W3
rent v S2 W3
repair n W3
repair v S3
repeat v S2 W2
replace v S2 W1
replacement n W3
reply n S3 W3
reply v W2
report n S2 W1
report v S2 W1
reporter n S3
represent v S2 W1
representation n S3 W2
representative n S3 W2
republic n W2
reputation n W3
request n S3 W2
require v S1 W1
requirement n S2 W2
rescue v S3 W3
research n S2 W1
reserve n S3
reserve v W3
resident n S3 W3
residential adj W3
resign v W3
resignation n W3
resist v W3
resistance n S3 W3
resolution n W3
resolve v W3
resort n W3
resource n S2 W1
respect n S1 W1
respectively adv W3
respond v S2 W2
response n S1 W1
responsibility n S2 W1
responsible adj S2 W2
rest n S1 W1
rest v S3 W3
restaurant n S2 W2
restore v W3
restrict v W3
restriction n W3
result n S1 W1
result v W2
retain v W2
retire v S2 W3
retirement n S3 W3
return v S2 W1
return n S2 W2
reveal v W1
revenue n W2
reverse v W3
review n S2 W2
review v S3 W3
revolution n S3 W2
reward n W3
rhythm n W3
rice n S3
rich adj S2 W2
rid adj S1
ride v S2 W2
ride n S3
ridiculous adj S2
right adj S1 W1
right adv S1 W1
right n S1 W1
right interjection S2
ring n S1 W2
ring v S1 W2
rip v S3
rise v S2 W1
rise n S3 W2
risk n S2 W1
rival n W3
river n S2 W2
road n S1 W1
rob v S3
rock n S2 W2
role n S2 W1
roll v S1 W2
roof n S2 W2
room n S1 W1
root n S2 W2
rope n S3 W3
rough adj S2 W3
roughly adv S2
round adj S1 W2
round adv prep S2 W2
round n W3
route n S3 W2
routine n W3
row n S2 W2
royal adj S3 W1
rub v S2
rubber n S3
rubbish n S2
rude adj S3
ruin v S3
rule n S1 W1
rule v W2
run v S1 W1
rural adj W2
rush v S2 W3
sack n S3
sad adj S2 W3
safe adj S2 W2
safety n S2 W2
sail v S3
sake n S2 W3
salad n S2
salary n S2 W3
sale n S1 W1
salt n S2 W3
same adv S1 W1
same adj S1 W1
same pron S1 W1
sample n S3 W2
sand n S3 W3
sandwich n S2
satellite n W3
satisfaction n W3
satisfied adj S3
satisfy v S3 W2
sauce n S3
sausage n S3
save v S1 W1
saving n S3 W3
say v S1 W1
scale n S2 W2
scared adj S3
scene n S2 W2
schedule n S2 W3
schedule v S3
scheme n S2 W1
school n S1 W1
science n S1 W1
scientific adj S3 W2
scientist n S3 W2
scope n W3
score n S2 W2
score v S3 W2
scratch v S3
scream v S3
screen n S2 W2
screw n S3
script n S3
sea n S2 W1
seal n S3
search n S3 W2
search v W3
season n S2 W1
seat n S2 W1
second number S1 W1
second n S1 W2
secondary adj S3 W2
secondly adv S3
secret adj S3 W2
secret n S3 W3
secretary n S2 W1
section n S1 W1
sector n W1
secure adj S3 W3
secure v W3
security n W1
see v S1 W1
seed n S3 W3
seek v S2 W1
seem v S1 W1
seize v W3
select v S2 W2
selection n S3 W2
self n S2 W3
sell v S1 W1
send v S1 W1
senior adj W2
sense n S1 W1
sensible adj S3 W3
sensitive adj S3 W3
sentence n S1 W2
separate adj S2 W2
separate v S2 W2
sequence n W2
series n S2 W1
serious adj S1 W1
seriously adv S2 W2
servant n W2
serve v S1 W1
service n S1 W1
session n S2 W2
set n S1 W1
set v S1 W1
setting n W2
settle v S2 W2
settlement n W2
several determiner pron S1 W1
severe adj S3 W3
sew v S3
sex n S1 W2
sexual adj S3 W2
shadow n S3 W2
shake v S3 W2
shall modal S1 W1
shame n S2
shape n S2 W2
share n S1 W1
share v S1 W1
sharp adj S3 W2
sharply adv W3
shave v S3
she pron S1 W1
shed n S3
sheep n S2 W3
sheet n S1 W2
shelf n S3 W3
shell n S3 W3
shelter n W3
shift v S3 W3
shine v S3
ship n S2 W2
shirt n S2 W3
shock n S2 W2
shocked adj S3
shocking adj S3
shoe n S1 W3
shoot v S2 W2
shop n S1 W1
shopping n S2 W3
short adj S1 W1
shortly adv S3 W3
shot n S2 W2
should modal S1 W1
shoulder n S2 W2
shout v S2 W2
shove v S3
show n S1 W1
show v S1 W1
shower n S2
shrug v W3
shut v S1 W2
sick adj S1 W3
side n S1 W1
sight n S2 W2
sign n S3 W2
sign v S2 W2
signal n S2 W2
signature n S3
significance n W2
significant adj S2 W1
significantly adv S3 W2
silence n W2
silent adj W3
silly adj S2
silver n S3
similar adj S1 W1
similarly adv W3
simple adj S1 W1
simply adv S1 W1
sin n S2
since prep conj adv S1 W1
sing v S1 W2
singer n S3
single adj S1 W1
sink n S3
sink v W3
sir n S1 W3
sister n S1 W1
sit v S1 W1
site n S1 W2
situation n S1 W1
size n S1 W1
skill n S2 W1
skin n S2 W2
skirt n S3
sky n S2 W2
sleep v S1 W2
sleep n S2 W3
slice n S3
slide v S3 W3
slide n S3
slight adj S2 W3
slightly adv S1 W2
slim adj S3
slip v S3 W2
slip n S3
slope n W3
slow adj S2 W2
slow v S3 W2
slowly adv S3 W2
small adj S1 W1
smart adj S2 W2
smell n S2 W3
smell v S2 W3
smile n S2 W2
smile v S3 W1
smoke n S3 W3
smoke v S2 W2
smoking n S2
smooth adj W3
snap v W3
snow n S2 W3
so adv S1 W1
so conj S1 W3
soap n S3
so-called adj W3
social adj S1 W1
society n S1 W1
sock n S3
soft adj S2 W2
software n S3 W2
soil n W2
soldier n S3 W2
sole adj W3
solicitor n S3 W2
solid adj S3 W3
solution n S2 W1
solve v S2 W3
some determiner S1 W1
some pron S1 W1
some adv S1 W1
somebody pron S1 W3
somehow adv S2 W2
someone pron S1 W1
something pron S1 W1
sometimes adv S1 W1
somewhat adv S3 W2
somewhere adv S1 W2
son n S1 W1
song n S1 W2
soon adv S1 W1
sore adj S3
sorry adj S1 W2
sort n S1 W1
sort v S1 W3
soul n S3 W3
sound n S1 W1
sound v S1 W2
sound adj W3
soup n S3
source n S2 W1
south n S1 W2
southern adj S2 W2
space n S1 W1
spare adj S2
spare v S3
speak v S1 W1
speaker n S2 W2
special adj S1 W1
specialist n S3 W3
species n W2
specific adj S1 W1
specifically adv S2 W3
specify v W3
speech n S2 W2
speed n S2 W1
spell v S2
spelling n S2
spend v S1 W1
spill v S3
spin v S3
spirit n S2 W2
spiritual adj W3
spite n W3
split v S2 W3
spoil v S3
spokesman n W2
spoon n S3
sport n S2 W2
spot n S2 W2
spot v S3
spray v S3
spread v S2 W2
spring n S2 W2
squad n W3
square adj S2 W3
square n S2 W3
squeeze v S3
stable adj W3
staff n S2 W2
stage n S1 W1
stair n S2 W3
stake n W3
stall n S3
stamp v S1 W1
stamp n S2
stand v S1 W1
standard adj S2 W2
standard n S2 W2
star n S2 W2
stare v S3 W2
start v S1 W1
start n S1 W2
starve v S3
state n S1 W2
state v S3 W2
statement n S2 W1
station n S1 W1
statistic n S2 W3
status n W2
stay n S3
stay v S1 W1
steady adj W3
steak n S3
steal v S3 W3
steam n W3
steel n S3 W3
steep adj S3
step n S2 W1
step v S3 W3
stick v S1 W3
stick n S3
stiff adj S3
still adv S1 W1
still adj S3
stir v S3 W3
stock n S2 W2
stomach n S3 W3
stone n S2 W1
stop v S1 W1
stop n S2 W3
storage n W3
store n S1 W1
store v S3 W3
storm n W3
story n S1 W1
straight adv S1 W2
straight adj S2 W3
straightforward adj S3
strain n W3
strange adj S2 W2
stranger n S2 W2
strategic adj W3
strategy n W2
straw n S3
strawberry n S3
stream n W3
street n S1 W1
strength n S2 W2
strengthen v W3
stress n S3 W3
stress v S3 W3
stretch v S3 W3
strict adj S3
strike n S3 W2
strike v S3 W3
string n S3 W2
strip n W3
stroke n S3
strong adj S1 W1
strongly adv S3
structure n S3 W2
struggle n S3 W3
struggle v W3
student n S1 W1
studio n S3 W2
study n S2 W3
study v S2 W2
stuff n S1 W3
stupid adj S1 W3
style n S2 W1
subject n S2 W1
submit v S3 W3
subsequent adj W2
subsequently adv W3
substance n W3
substantial adj S3 W2
succeed v S3 W2
success n S1 W1
successful adj S2 W1
successfully adv W3
such determiner predeterminer pron S1 W1
suck v S3
sudden adj S2 W3
suddenly adv S1 W1
suffer v S1 W1
sufficient adj S2 W2
sugar n S2 W3
suggest v S1 W1
suggestion n S1 W2
suit n S2 W3
suit v S3 W3
suitable adj S3 W2
sum n S2 W2
summer n S1 W1
sun n S2 W1
super adj S2
supermarket n S3
supper n S3
supply n S2 W2
supply v S3 W2
support n S1 W1
support v S1 W2
supporter n S3 W2
suppose v S1 W1
sure adj S1 W1
sure adv S3
surely adv S1 W2
surface n S3 W1
surgery n S2 W2
surprise n S3 W2
surprised adj S2 W2
surprising adj S3 W3
surprisingly adv W3
surround v W2
survey n S2 W2
survival n W3
survive v S2 W2
suspect v S2 W3
suspicion n W3
suspicious adj S3
sustain v W3
swap v S3
swear v S2
sweep v W3
sweet adj S2 W3
sweet n S2
swim v S3
swimming n S2
swing v W3
switch v S2 W3
switch n S3
symbol n W3
sympathy n W3
system n S1 W1
table n S1 W1
tablet n S3
tackle v S3 W3
tail n S2 W3
take v S1 W1
tale n W3
talent n W3
talk n S1 W1
talk v S1 W1
tall adj S2 W2
tank n S2 W2
tap n S3
tape n S3 W3
target n S2 W2
task n S2 W1
taste n S2 W2
taste v S2
tax n S1 W1
taxi n S3
tea n S1 W2
teach v S1 W2
teacher n S1 W1
teaching n S2 W2
team n S1 W1
tear n S3 W3
tear v S2 W3
technical adj S2 W2
technique n S3 W1
technology n S2 W1
telephone n S1 W2
television n S1 W1
tell v S1 W1
telly n S2
temperature n S2 W2
temporary adj S3 W3
tend v S1 W1
tendency n S3 W3
tennis n S3 W3
tension n W2
tent n S3
term n S1 W1
terrible adj S1 W3
terribly adv S2
territory n W2
terror n W3
terrorist n W3
test n S1 W1
test v S3 W2
text n S2 W1
text v S2
than conj prep S1 W1
thank v S1 W2
thanks interjection S1
thanks n W3
that adv S1 W2
that determiner pron S1 W1
that conj S1 W1
the definite article determiner S1 W1
theatre n S2 W2
their determiner S1 W1
theirs pron S3
them pron S1 W1
theme n S2 W2
themselves pron S1 W1
then adv S1 W1
theoretical adj W3
theory n S2 W1
there adv S1 W1
there pron S1 W1
therefore adv S1 W1
they pron S1 W1
thick adj S2 W2
thin adj S2 W2
thing n S1 W1
think v S1 W1
this determiner pron S1 W1
though adv S1
though conj S1 W1
thought n S1 W1
threat n S3 W2
threaten v S3 W2
three number S1
throat n S3 W3
through prep adv S1 W1
throughout prep adv S2 W1
throw v S1 W1
thus adv W1
ticket n S1 W2
tidy adj S3
tie v S2 W3
tie n S3 W3
tight adj S2 W3
tile n S3
till prep conj S1
time n S1 W1
tin n S2
tiny adj S2 W2
tip n S2 W3
tip v S3
tired adj S1 W2
title n S3 W1
to S1 W1
to prep S1 W1
toast n S3
today adv S1 W1
toe n S3
together adv S1 W1
toilet n S2
tomato n S2
tomorrow adv S1 W2
ton n S3
tone n S3 W2
tongue n S3 W3
tonight adv S1 W2
too adv S1 W1
tool n S2 W2
tooth n S2 W2
top adj S1 W1
top n S1 W2
topic n S3 W2
total adj S1 W1
total n S2 W2
totally adv S1 W2
touch n S2 W2
touch v S2 W2
tough adj S2 W2
tour n S3 W2
tourist n W3
towards prep S1 W1
towel n S3
tower n S3 W3
town n S1 W1
toy n S3
track n S2 W2
trade n S3 W1
trade v S3 W2
tradition n S2 W2
traditional adj S3 W1
traffic n S1 W2
trailer n S3
train n S1 W2
train v S1 W2
trainer n S3
training n S2 W1
transaction n S3 W3
transfer v S3 W2
transfer n W2
transform v W3
transition n W3
translate v S3
transport n S2 W2
transportation n W3
trash n S3
travel n S2 W2
travel v S2 W2
tray n S3
treat n S3
treat v S2 W1
treatment n S2 W1
treaty n W2
tree n S1 W1
tremendous adj S2
trend n S3 W2
trial n S3 W2
trick n S3
tricky adj S3
trip n S2 W2
troop n W2
trouble n S1 W2
trousers n S2
truck n S2 W3
TRUE adj S1 W1
truly adv W3
trust n S1 W2
trust v S2 W3
truth n S1 W2
try n S3
try v S1 W1
tube n S3 W3
tune n S3
tunnel n W3
turn n S1 W1
turn v S1 W1
TV n S2 W2
twice adv predeterminer S2 W2
twist v S3
type n S1 W1
typical adj S2 W2
tyre n S3
ugly adj S3
ultimate adj W3
ultimately adv W3
unable adj W2
unbelievable adj S3
uncle n S2 W3
under prep adv S1 W1
underneath prep adv S2
understand v S1 W1
understanding n W3
undertake v W3
unemployed adj S2 W3
unemployment n S2 W2
unfair adj S3
unfortunate adj S3
unfortunately adv S1 W3
unhappy adj S3
uniform n S3
union n S1 W1
unique adj S3 W2
unit n S2 W2
united adj S2 W3
unity n W3
universal adj W3
universe n W3
university n S2 W1
unknown adj adv W2
unless conj S1 W1
unlike prep W3
unlikely adj S3 W2
until prep conj S1 W1
unusual adj S2 W3
up adv prep adj S1 W1
upon prep S2 W1
upper adj W2
upset adj S2
upset v S2
upstairs adv S2
urban adj W2
urge v W3
urgent adj S3
us pron S1 W1
use n S1 W1
use v S1 W1
used adj S1 W2
used to modal S1 W2
useful adj S1 W1
user n S3 W1
usual adj S2 W2
usually adv S1 W1
vacation n S2 W3
vague adj S3
valley n S3 W3
valuable adj W3
value n S2 W1
van n S2 W3
variation n W2
variety n S2 W1
various adj S1 W1
vary v S3 W2
vast adj S3 W2
vegetable n S3 W3
vehicle n S2 W2
version n S2 W2
very adv S1 W1
very adj S2 W1
vet n S3
via prep W2
victim n S3 W2
victory n W2
video n S1 W2
view n S1 W1
village n S1 W1
violence n S2 W2
violent adj S3 W3
virtually adv S2 W2
virtue n W3
virus n W3
visible adj W3
vision n S3 W2
visit v S2 W1
visit n S3 W2
visitor n S3 W2
visual adj W3
vital adj W2
voice n S2 W1
volume n S3 W2
voluntary adj W3
vote n S2 W2
vote v S2 W2
vulnerable adj W3
wage n S2 W2
wait v S1 W1
wake v S2 W3
walk v S1 W1
walk n S2 W2
wall n S1 W1
wander v S3
want v S1 W1
war n S2 W1
ward n W3
wardrobe n S3
warm adj S2 W2
warn v S3 W2
warning n S3 W2
wash v S1 W3
washing n S2
waste n S2 W3
waste v S2 W3
waste adj W3
watch v S1 W1
watch n S2 W3
water n S1 W1
wave n S3 W2
wave v S3 W3
way n S1 W1
way adv S2
we pron S1 W1
weak adj S3 W2
weakness n W3
wealth n W3
weapon n S3 W2
wear v S1 W1
weather n S1 W2
web n S2 W2
website n S2 W2
wedding n S2 W3
week n S1 W1
weekend n S1 W2
weekly adj W3
weigh v S3 W3
weight n S1 W2
weird adj S2
welcome adj S2 W3
welcome v S2 W2
welfare n S3 W2
well adv S1 W1
well interjection S1 W1
well adj S1 W2
west n S1 W2
western adj S2 W2
wet adj S2 W3
what pron determiner predeterminer S1 W1
whatever determiner pron S1 W1
whatsoever adv S2
wheel n S2 W3
when adv conj pron S1 W1
whenever adv conj S2 W3
where adv conj pron S1 W1
whereas conj S2 W2
wherever adv S2
whether conj S1 W1
which determiner pron S1 W1
while conj S1 W1
while n S1 W2
whisky n S3
whisper v W3
white adj S1 W1
white n S3 W2
who pron S1 W1
whoever pron S2
whole adj S1 W1
whole n S2 W2
whom pron S3 W1
whose determiner pron S2 W1
why adv conj S1 W1
wicked adj S3
wide adj S1 W1
wide adv S3 W3
widely adv W2
widespread adj W3
wife n S1 W1
wild adj S2 W2
will modal S1 W1
will n S2 W2
willing adj S2 W3
win v S1 W1
win n W3
wind n S2 W2
wind v S3 W3
window n S1 W1
windy adj S3
wine n S2 W2
wing n S2 W2
winner n S3 W2
winter n S2 W2
wipe v S3
wire n S2 W3
wise adj S3
wish v S1 W1
wish n S3
with prep S1 W1
withdraw v S3 W2
within prep adv S1 W1
without prep adv S1 W1
witness n S2 W3
woman n S1 W1
wonder v S1 W2
wonderful adj S1 W2
wood n S2 W2
wooden adj S3 W3
wool n S3
word n S1 W1
work n S1 W1
work v S1 W1
worker n S2 W1
working adj S2 W2
workshop n S3 W3
world n S1 W1
worried adj S2 W3
worry v S1 W2
worry n S2
worrying adj S3
worse adj S2 W2
worse adv S3 W3
worth prep S1 W2
worth n W3
would modal S1 W1
wound v W3
wrap v S3
write v S1 W1
writer n S3 W2
writing n S2 W3
wrong adj S1 W1
wrong adv S2
yard n S2 W2
yeah adv S1
year n S1 W1
yellow adj S2 W3
yep interjection S1
yes adv S1 W1
yesterday adv S1 W1
yet adv S1 W1
yet conj W2
you pron S1 W1
young adj S1 W1
youngster n S3
your determiner S1 W1
yours pron S1 W3
yourself pron S1 W2
youth n S2 W2
zone n W3


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